Saturday, August 18, 2007

Elvis - The Once and Current King of Rock and Roll

Elvis Presley, along with Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry, turned music upside down and brought a new sound to the world. With his roots in Tupelo, Mississippi and his childhood in Memphis, Tennessee, Elvis was constantly exposed to Gospel and black rhythm and blues. His first appearances and recordings merged these musical genres with country music. As he further developed his style, Elvis revolutionized Rock ‘n' Roll into an accepted musical form.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s Elvis was the King. His chart-busting songs continuously played on the air, transistor radios close to the ear or jukeboxes blaring out his deep, resonant voice. Featured in over 31 movies, Elvis acted, sang and danced with his characteristic pelvic swerve.

Scandalous at first, Elvis' pelvic gyrations sent mothers rushing to shield their daughters' eyes from his bold movements. It was his appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1959 that tipped the general public's opinion of this upstart musician. When Elvis finished his set, TV Host Sullivan walked onto the stage, put his hand on Elvis's shoulder and proclaimed, "This is a fine young man, a fine musician."

Nationally, over fifty of Elvis's songs reached the Billboard Top 20. His stellar climb to international fame is short of remarkable. With only three television stations nationwide, no internet or cable, nor any overseas concerts, the world recognized Elvis as their King of music.

In 1964 Ed Sullivan introduced the Beatles on his show. The British "Fab 4" swept the nation and contributed to a gradual decline in the popularity of Elvis among the younger generation. The King who had brought his unique blend of rock, southern blues, Gospel, and country music took a back seat to a wave of long-haired English gents who moved music into yet another direction.

Within less than five years, generational boundaries evolved as music again radically changed. Elvis's music seemed irrelevant to the youth who staged Woodstock, expanded the hippie movement and organized anti-Vietnam war demonstrations on college campuses. While retirees flocked to Las Vegas to see Elvis in sold-out concerts, Rock ‘n' Roll slipped off the airwaves as the younger generation thrived on folk music and acid rock.

As the 30th anniversary of his death passes, Elvis remains the King of Rock ‘n' Roll with thousands making a pilgrimage to his Graceland Mansion. Elvis's international records sales are over one billion; 150 of his record albums have earned gold, platinum, and multi-platinum status.

Yvonne Perry

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