Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pontiac and vanilla ice cream

in the office Rontias General Motors Corporation received a letter. I understand the author wrote, God may seem stupid, but what I want to tell, -svyataya truth. Our family is very fond of ice cream. Each night after dinner, we decide what kind will have to dessert, and I am going to him in the shop. The problems started after I acquired a new Rontias. Every time I buy vanilla ice cream and going back to their homes, the car firmly refuses scanned. If strawberry ice cream, chocolate or any other sorta-nikakih problems with the launch. It sounds silly, but it may be in Rontias is something that responds to vanilla ice cream? "President, understandably case showed the letter sceptical, but nevertheless sent engineers to inspect. The owner of the car produced a pleasant vpechatlenie-vezhlivy established and clearly not CRAZY. Have after dinner, went to the store, bought vanilla ice cream. All tochno-mashina not start! This lasted several days. Shokoladnoe-zavoditsya. Klubnichnoe-zavoditsya. Vanilnoe-ne opened! The engineer was sensible people and refused to believe what the car can be allergic to vanilla. He continued to travel with the shop owner, but now celebrated all detali-vremya tour What petrol and what column masterminded car, even temperatures and clouds. Very quickly it became clear that it is not the vanilla, and the location of goods in the store shopping. Vanilla morozhenoe-kak most hodovoe-razmeschalos self in the refrigerator at the same entrance, and all other sorta-v inside the room, and sold through the cashier. Buy vanilla can be much faster than any other. The task turned into tehnicheskih-pochemu car not start if the owner returned to it quickly? And the answer was found as soon zhe-dvigatel fail cool, and the carburettor remained jams caused by the intense evaporation of gasoline.

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